Monday, August 20, 2018

Kids Bedrooms in progress

The kids have not had use of their bedrooms since we built the house. They have had other rooms in the house (the library, sewing/office room) and most recently they have had their rooms in the basement since we relocated back to Maine two years ago. They are very excited to make the move upstairs and we have been working non-stop to try to make that happen before school starts in two weeks. Here is a snapshot of where we are today. Paneling has been installed; drywall has been mudded, sanded, & painted (kids helped with every step!); windowsills are tiled (again, I taught the kids how to do it!); remaining flooring is installed; built in beds are in progress; closets are in progress; trim work will need to be done when all else is complete. Working with teen & tween age kids is a lot different than toddlers!!
Beaded Plywood Panels

Girls' window tile

Boys' Window Tile

Boys' Colors (Grey & Green)
Girls' Colors (Pink, Blue, & Black)

Built-in beds in progress

Built-in beds in progress


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Roof Reno Days 28-29

The contractors wrapped up the roof reno on August 1 (hooray!) minus the chimney penetration. That will be completed at the end of the month by a company that specializes in woodstoves. So, we have been slaving away trying to install bedrooms for the kids. I will post that separate.
I sprayed foam into the corners where the roof meets the house wall using a froth pak. Eventually we will add 6 inches of open cell foam into the rafter bays in order to achieve our desired R-value, but for now we are closing up the kids' rooms with paneling so that we can use the space!


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